Thursday, August 02, 2007

Things worth reading and praying when a bridge collapses

How do you respond when a bridge collapses (or a tower falls)? What are you to think? What do you tell your children or young believers (or unbelievers) about God in such a situation?

Three writers (one "old," and two contemporary), help us answer these questions in a biblical framework:

And some "Lessons Remembered" also relate to this situation as well…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I watched the news when this happened, my own immediate reaction was a sense of urgency that the gospel needs to be proclaimed to a lost and dying world and that time was running out - fast. That phrase "a lost and dying world" became ever more real to me when I saw footage of the collapsed bridge. It is a sober reminder indeed for all Christians to watch and pray, to be ever vigilant in our mission to reach the lost for Christ. This has stirred me to prayer. I hope it will stir others. Amen.