Friday, November 03, 2006

Another sad day

The complete truth has not yet been revealed about the circumstances of Ted Haggard's resignation as pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and as President of the influential National Association of Evangelicals. Until that truth is revealed, we would be wise to neither speculate nor gossip about it. Prayer, particularly for the protection of Christ's name and the clarity of the gospel, is a wise choice.

I have long been (sadly) interested to note how often Americans and believers are willing to speculate on and evaluate circumstances when there just is not enough information to make a valid or informed conclusion. The "what do you think" polls that are taken about virtually every event (just wait until next Tuesday!) are just such an example. I really am unconcerned about what the "man on the street" thinks, because the man on the street doesn't have enough information to have a relevant opinion. And right now, this is another example of that very principle.

So until we have enough information, we would be wise to pray for Christ's name to be exalted; and we would be wise to spend time in self-examination of our desires and passions so that our own hearts are guarded from evil temptations.

I appreciate the comments of Justin Taylor, who addressed the spiritual implications of this event for believers, and Phil Johnson, who addresses the topic more broadly. Both sets of comments are well worth reading.

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