Monday, February 05, 2007

Final Thoughts from Adophe Monod

I just finished reading Adolphe Monod's Living in the Hope of Glory this morning. Several statements stood out as I completed the book:
"We have no idea of what we would be able to do if we were completely lost in such total harmony with God; if we would seek no other will than his. We have no idea of what we would be able to do if every word in our mouth, every beat of our heart, every thought of our minds, every movement of our spirit and body were oriented toward him to wait for him in the spirit of Samuel: 'Speak, for your servant is listening' (1 Sam. 3:10)." [p. 135.]

"Oh, how can we surround [Scripture] with enough attention and respect?…Most read [the Scriptures] superficially and content themselves with a few great general truths when they could be probing ever deeper and becoming aware (as much as they can) of all that is there, as it is written, 'The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever' (Deut. 29:29)." [p. 141.]

"Without the Word, prayer is nothing, having no source of nourishment. Without prayer, the Word is powerless and does not penetrate into the heart." [p. 154.]
I had no knowledge of Monod prior to purchasing this book, and only bought it because I trusted the publisher. What a sweet treasure this book has been for the past month or so of devotional readings.

1 comment:

Elsie Montgomery said...

You have convinced me. I'm ordering this book asap. Thank you for your posts. I am blessed.
