Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday Leftovers (2/4/07)

A comment made by David Wells in his book God in the Wasteland resonates in my mind as I think about discipleship and the state of the church: "God rests too lightly — too inconsequentially on His church." That is, too many believers follow God too superficially. And too often, He is followed weakly because the cost of following Him is too high or the desires we have for Him are misplaced (we want what He gives rather than desiring Him).

Three brief comments from others address this topic in different and provocative ways:

"…there must be a hearty reliance upon God, and a childlike confidence in him. I would recommend you either believe in God up to the hilt, or not at all. Believe this Book of God, every letter of it, or else reject it. There is no logical standing-place between the two. Be satisfied with nothing less than a faith that swims in the deeps of divine revelation; a faith that paddles about the edge of the water is poor faith, and is not good for much. Oh, I pray you, do believe in God, and his omnipotence." [C. H. Spurgeon, "Is God in the Camp?"]

"You will become like those with whom you 'walk' or spend time. If you spend much of your discretionary hours with foolish or worldly people — including those on TV shows and commercials — you'll grow more foolish and worldly. But if you become one 'who walks with wise men [you'll] be wise.'" [Don Whitney, Simplify Your Spiritual Life.]

"If there are so many Christians in the U.S., why aren't we affecting our world? I believe it's because…we treat our faith like a section of the newspaper or an item on our 'Things to Do Today' list. We file religion in our schedules between relatives and running. It's just one of the many concerns competing for our attention.…if Christianity is true — then it cannot be simply a file drawer in our crowded lives. It must be the central truth from which all our behavior, relationships, and philosophy flow." [Charles Colson, Against the Night.]

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