Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Darkness of Depression — a Help

John Piper has long said that he has written only one book — Desiring God — all the other books he's written are merely expansions and explanations of that book. That is particularly true of the book When I Don't Desire God, which became one of my most favorite books by Piper after I read it. I was particularly encouraged in reading his final chapter, "When the Darkness Does Not Lift," which addressed the topic of pervasive depression and how to stand strong in the face of it.

That chapter has now been expanded into a short book: When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God — and Joy. It too is in my "to read" stack (near the top) — and it can be read for free by downloading it. Or if you prefer the "dead tree" edition, you may order it from Desiring God.

The book is described this way:

Even the most faithful, focused Christians can encounter periods of depression and spiritual darkness when joy seems to stay just out of reach. It can happen because of sin, satanic assault, distressing circumstances, or hereditary and other physical causes. This book, which is an expansion of a chapter in When I Don't Desire God, aims to give some comfort and guidance to those experiencing spiritual darkness.

Readers will gain insight into the physical side of depression and spiritual darkness, what it means to wait on the Lord in a time of darkness, how unconfessed sin can clog our joy, and how to minister to others who are living without light. Piper uses real-life examples and sensitive narrative to show readers abundant reason to hope that God will pull them out of the pit of despair and into the light once again.

(HT: Justin Taylor)

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