Friday, January 19, 2007

A Prayer for a Lack of Prayer

This is from Adolphe Monod's book, Living in the Hope of Glory. It is a fitting preparation for our worship for Sunday, and for our preparation of our service today (and any day):
My God, forgive the way in which your church, which alone in the world knows enough to pray, does pray. Forgive the way in which we ourselves pray; the half-heartedness, the uncertainty, the unbelief we exhibit even on the least unfaithful, the least unbelieving days of our Christian life and ministry! My God, forgive the sin of our holy offerings! [p. 95]
Why is prayerfulness so important (apart from the fact that it is commanded by God in Scripture!)? Monod answers:
…most of the time we pray without praying. We have no idea of the weakness and unbelief that are mingled with our prayers for want of living with the invisible [his term for fellowship with God, particularly in relation to the future eternal state]. We have no idea of the blessings and favors of which we deprive ourselves. Oh, my friends, let us constantly repeat this prayer, 'Lord, teach us to pray!' When we know how to pray, we will know all, and what is of even greater worth, we will have all. We will know Jesus, and we will do better than simply know him; we will possess him. [pp. 95-6]

1 comment:

Elsie Montgomery said...

At times I'm amazed at the slowness of my learning. I've prayed for years to connect with God, but mostly for answers. Last night I realized that is not the right goal. I must pray to glorify God! I cannot make answers happen but I can glorify Him in the praying. What a huge step. Thanks for your insights!!
