Friday, June 15, 2007

Seven Facts About Fatherhood

A couple of years ago, Alistair Begg noted seven facts about fatherhood that are good reminders that will help every father shepherd his family with more wisdom and grace:

  • Fact 1: I am a Dad - even on the mornings when I don't feel like it; even when I know I blew it, even when I think I'd rather be doing something else, the central fact of my existence is that I am a husband and a father.
  • Fact 2: The home is the single most important influence on my family. I can delegate my responsibilities at work, but I can't delegate the hopes for my family.
  • Fact 3: Because of its inherent difficulty and importance, fathering is the most dignified role I will ever play.
  • Fact 4: Being a parent is one of the greatest sources of joy we can ever know.
  • Fact 5: We all can improve - for there isn't a father this morning on Father's Day when we get the card…you don't feel a bit of the heel ("Oh honey, why did you write that nice thing about me?"). And you get in your car and you say, "If only I could be what it says in the card. If only I could live according to their approximation [of me]."
  • Fact 6: Everyone is unique. You can't be the father down the street, you can't be the Dad up the road…You're unique. Just be yourself.
  • Fact 7: It is difficult to be a good parent. There are no magic potions, no special formulas. One of the myths of our society is that we can be great parents without the real investment of our time and energy. And the great truth is that there is no substitute for time and effort.

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